Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Deploying Windows 7 with XenDesktop 3

I've been running Windows 7 since May. I have to say, I've very impressed. Microsoft got it right. They took the best of XP and Vista (and MACs), plus some good common sense features to make a great product. I've run it on three systems, ranging from a brand new Quad-Core 4gb RAM laptop to an old single-core 1gb ram nc6120.

As a virtualization engineer, I'm seeing a lot of customers evaluating virtual desktop deployments as a way to distribute Windows 7 in their enterprise. It would be easy to argue Windows 7 is a reason they are embracing VDI; of course, it is just as easy to say they are using Windows 7 as the excuse for VDI. Either way, both are gathering steam.

Citrix is releasing XenDesktop 4 this month. This version is designed with full Windows 7 support in mind, but what if you want (or need) to use XenDesktop 3 -- maybe you are doing a Proof of Concept, maybe you already have the infrastructure for XD3, whatever the reason, there are a few minor issues.

#1 -- Use the latest Virtual Desktop Agent (VDA). This is the component that is installed on the virtual desktop to interact with the Desktop Delivery Controller. The original VDA 3 will not install on Windows 7 (but you can trick it through Vista compatibility mode).  The latest VDA will install, with the warning that it is not fully supported. You can get version 3.0.3075 (XDE300VDA004) at CTX122134.

#2 -- Printers do not AutoCreate. When testing Windows 7 during a Proof of Concept, we kept encountering Error 1116 in the Event Log.  The AddPrinter() process failed with Error Code 0x5, which translated into Access Denied.

This is due to the CPSVC Service Account failing in the Windows 7 environment.  A short term fix is to run the service as LOCAL SYSTEM account, which will have the proper access.  This is resolved in XenDesktop 4 (CTX122744 #21).

It took awhile of fighting it, but once we got Windows 7 running smoothly on XenDesktop 3 infrastructure, the client was so happy we destroyed the XP and Vista PoC images.  Their goal is to go all Win7, all Virtual.


  1. Great!
    I am a big fan of Win7 too. I don't see who can't be and why anyone would not want Win 7.
    I can't wait for VDI to start moving!

  2. Nice.. Any tips on optimizing Windows 7 for a xendesktop environment?

