Saturday, January 17, 2009

Jack-of-all-Trades, Master of None?

I've always considered myself a Jack-of-all-Trades, but a master of none. I have purposely tried to walk a fine line between business and technology. That's one reason I chose to pursue an MBA instead of just another certification. It gives me portability beyond just IT, as well as better upward mobility on the corporate latter.

I also think being well rounded allows me to act as a better SOLUTION Architect. Having been a programmer, a DBA, a systems engineer, a network administrator, a trainer, and a manager ... I tend to look at problems differently than others that may be more specialized that I am. I take more a holistic approach.

Friday, January 16, 2009

SBC Resources

Here are some good links/resources for Server-Based Computing:

Blogs and other useful links:

I'll update the list as I think of other useful resources. If you have something I missed, please post a comment.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Degree vs. Certification

A common question in IT is, which is better -- a certification or a degree? Unfortunately, there is no right answer. In my mind, it is a combination of both... but mostly is about whether you can do the job or not. Personally, I have a double master's degree (MBA, MS IT), but very few certs (A+, MCP). I chose to focus on college and project management, and have found little need for industry certs. I fill the role of a Sr. Systems Engineer... even though I may not be an MCSE, go figure!


Welcome All!

After researching numerous blogs, I've decided to jump in and start my own. The primary purpose will be to document and comment on information technologies. These posts will be a way for me to combine various tid-bits of data from across the web and multiple resources... hopefully it will be useful for others as well.

My current interests lie in overall System/Solution Architecture and are not dedicated to any specific technology. I am currently a MS Systems Engineer specializing in Citrix XenApp. However, I believe in using the best tools available at any time, regardless of vendor.

If you have any questions, or specific topics you would like to see, please comment.